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590: Digital Speech and Audio
Processing |
Administrative Information - Fall 1999
- Instructor: Alen Docef ([email protected]) Office hours: two hours
before class, CICSR 361 Phone: 822-4307 Fax: 822-5949
- Class hours: Monday, 15:30-18:30, MCLD 208
Course Outline (Tentative)
- DSP Fundamentals (1 week)
- Linear shift invariant systems
- Fourier and Z transforms
- Digital filters
- Sampling and reconstruction
- Speech Models (1 week)
- Acoustic theory of speech production
- Tube models for speech generation
- Properties of speech waveforms
- Digital models and basic problems of speech
- Time-Domain Analysis Methods (1 week)
- Peak, energy and zero-crossing measurements
- Pitch period estimation
- Auto-correlation analysis
- Short-Time Spectrum Analysis Methods (1
- Definitions, filterbanks, computation, sound
- Window effects
- Pitch detection and vocoders
- Homomorphic Speech Processing (1 week)
- Cepstrum of speech signals
- Pitch detection
- Formant analysis and applications
- Linear Prediction Analysis Methods (1 week)
- Formant analysis
- Spectrum analysis and determination
- Analysis-synthesis systems
- Speech Recognition (2 weeks)
- Time-warping methods
- Hidden Markov models
- Neural networks
- Text-To-Speech Synthesis (1 week)
- LPC synthesizer
- Limited vocabulary encoding
- Text-to-allphone rules
- Digital Audio (3 weeks)
- What is digital audio?
- Audio perceptual modeling
- Audio recording and transmission
- Audio broadcasting
Number of Lecture
Hours: 3-0-0
Text: Speech and Audio Signal Processing, by
B. Gold and N. Morgan.
- Homework: 15%
- Midterm Exam #1: 30%
- Midterm Exam #2: 30%
- Project: 25% (10% presentation, 10% demo, 5% written
Course schedule:
Exams |
Homework |
Project |
6 Sep Labour Day |
13 Lecture 1 |
20 Lecture 2 |
27 Lecture 3 |
4 Lecture 4 |
11 Thanksgiving
Day |
18 Lecture 5 |
Hw #1 due. |
Written project proposal due. |
25 Lecture 6 |
Quiz #1 |
1 Nov Lecture 7 |
8 Lecture 8 |
15 Lecture 9 |
22 Lecture 10 |
Hw #2 due. |
29 Lecture 11 |
Quiz #2 |
6 Dec |
Project presentations. Written reports
due. |